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How to Create Customer Groups, Campaign Segments, and Campaigns.

View, Monitor, Build, Create Text & Email Campaigns

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Creating Customer Groups

Creating Segments

Creating Campaigns

How to Create Customer Groups 

In Steer you are able to save two types of Customer Groups:

  • Dynamic Group - Steer will add and remove customers from dynamic groups automatically as customers meet, or no longer meet, group filter criteria. 
  • Static Group - Customers added to a static group will remain on the group; the group will not change. 

Follow the steps below to create a Customer Group.

  1. Login to Steer.
  2. From the Dashboard, click Customers.
  3. Click Filters, then select Advanced Filters.

Quote Camp - 1

4. Add in your selected filter(s).      a. Example: Lifetime Visit Value: $500 - Max

Add filters          

5. Click Show Results.

6. Save your newly created customer group.

     a. To save as a Dynamic Group: Select Filters again after reviewing the list, then click New Dynamic Group. Add a group name (i.e. Lifetime Visit Value $500+), then click Save.

Dynamic Group

     b. To save as a Static Group:  Check the box at the Top Left of your filtered list, then click New Static Group. Add a group name (i.e. Lifetime Visit Value $500+), then click Save.

Static Group Part 2

Static Group

Your list is now ready to use for Segment building and campaign sending. Keep reading to learn how to build segments and send a campaign. 


How to Create a Campaign Segment

In Steer, you can create a Campaign Segment in the four campaign categories:

  • Follow-Up Campaigns: Utilized for repeat campaigns that follow-up with your customer post visit. You can utilize this segment to send repeat campaigns to lost customers as well; i.e. a customer who has had 365 days lapse sense their last visit. 
  • Outreach Campaigns: Utilized for campaign blasts that let your customers know about shop news, specials, and more. Utilize this category for campaigns such as: Oil Change Special, Discount for Top Customers, Happy Holiday messaging, and more. 
  • Maintenance Reminder Campaigns: Utilized to send Maintenance Reminders on a reoccurring basis to remind customers of routine repairs. Click Here to learn about Maintenance Reminder Campaigns. 
  • Deferred Service Campaigns: Utilized to remind customers of Deferred Services and Repairs from their last visit. Click Here to learn about Deferred Service Campaigns.

Follow the steps below to create a Campaign Segment. 

  1. Click Campaigns, then select Active.
  2. Choose the correct Campaign Category for your campaign, click New Segment.

    Click New Segment
  3. Add a name for your campaign segment (i.e. Lifetime Visit Value $500+).

    CAmpaign Segment Settings
  4. Customize your audience.
    1. Filter Customers - filter your customer list directly in the segment settings. 
    2. Select Customer Group - choose from your created Customer Groups. Click Here to learn how to create a customer group. 

Filter Segment

5. Click Save.

You are now ready to create and send a campaign in your newly created Campaign Segment. 

How to Create a Campaign

  1. From Active Campaigns, click New Campaign under your Customer Segment of choice. 
  2. Select marketing type: Text or Email.
  3. Select and customize your template.

There are preloaded campaign templates in Steer, including both Text and Email Marketing Types. Use one of our templates or create one of your own! 

3. Add a campaign name (i.e. February Special for Top Customers).

Name Campaign

4. Days After Visit (DAV)

     a. Turn ON to narrow down your send group based on when their last visit was. We recommend DAV 30 - 730 to target customers who have not visited in the last 30 days, up to 2 years ago. 

     b. Leave OFF to send to all customers who meet your filter criteria, regardless of how long ago their last visit was. 


5. Select Attribution Period and Type, or leave as is. To learn about Steer's Attribution feature, Click Here. 

Campaign Attribution Settings

6. Schedule Your Campaign: One Time or Repeat. 

campaign schedule

5. Click Launch Campaign.

Your campaign is now in the queue to be sent on it's way to your customers. Remember to check back at the end of the attribution period to see how your campaign preformed!


Please reach out to Customer Support if you have any questions.

  • Email 
  • or chat with our team via the Steer platform.