How to manage general company information and user access

Manage general company information and user access.


To access Settings, click the Settings toggle in the left navigation. 


General Tab

Update company name, phone number, business operating hours, and/or logo. This logo will be used for your email campaigns. 

Vehicle Data Tab

Vehicles is the second option under Company in Settings. 

On this page, you can view the unknown vehicles.

  • These are vehicles from your shop's invoices that don't match Vehicle Year, Make, and Model in Steer CRM.
  • You can match the vehicle to an existing Steer CRM Year, Make, and Model or you can create a brand new Vehicle type. 

Users Tab

Users is the third option under Company in Settings. 

Add & Delete and manage user access. 

  • To add a user click "+Add User". Enter their email and click save. They will receive an email to reset their password and login. 
  • By default, a user is added as a "Messenger". This means they have the lowest levels permissions. View Site Roles Description for information on what each site role type can access. 
  • Click the "Messenger" to select a different site role for the user. 
  • To add a user to multiple locations click "Configure Access Across Locations"