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How to Customize Appointment Notifications & Reminders

Steer supports customized appointment notifications and reminders by appointment type, allowing you to give tailored instructions for waiting, drop-off, or pick-up appointments.

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How to Manage Templates for Appointment Notifications

How to Customize Appointment Reminders

How to Customize Missed Appointment Notifications


Navigate to Appointments > Notifications

Here you will see four different types of notifications:

  • Request Received -  This notification is sent when the customer submits an appointment request to your shop through the Steer Scheduling Tool. Your customer will receive and email or a text message letting them know that their request has been received but the appointment is not yet confirmed. 
    Please Note: If your shop uses AutoOps this notification is inactive as all appointments are auto booked through AutoOps. 
  • Appointment Confirmation - This notification is sent after the customer makes an appointment informing the shop's customer that the appointment is confirmed. This notification sends whether your shop uses the AutoOps Scheduling Tool or the Steer Scheduling Tool. 
  • Declined Confirmation - This notification is sent to a customer in the case that a shop does not accept their requested appointment time if the shop utilizes the Steer Scheduling Tool.
    Please Note: If your shop uses AutoOps this notification is inactive as all appointments are auto booked through AutoOps.  
  • Missed Appointment - This notification is sent to the customer in the case that they miss their scheduled appointment. You are able to customize the Sending Rules and Templates for this notification to best fit your shop's processes. 
    Please Note: You will need to mark the appointment as Missed in Steer for the missed appointment reminder to send. Stay tuned as we are working on our integrations to directly pull this information from your shop management system. 
  • Appointment Reminder - This notification allows the shop to customize the Sending Rules and Templates for Appointment Reminders. Customize when reminders send and how often customers are reminded along with customizing templates based on appointment type: waiting, drop off, and pickup. 

How to Manage Templates for All Appointment Notifications

Click Manage Templates to the right of each notification type, text or email. 

Here you are able to select, and edit, the template you would like to use for each notification type.

You are able to do this for all Appointment Notifications. 


How to Customize Your Appointment Reminders

Shops have the ability to set multiple Appointment Reminders and customize templates by editing the Sending Rules or Managing Templates in the Appointment Notifications section.

Appointments > Notifications > Appointment Reminder

You are able to edit the Sending Rules and Manage Templates for both Text and Email allowing for fully custom outreach to your customers.

To edit the Appointment Reminder click either Sending Rules or Manage Templates beside the reminder type, text or email, you would like to edit.

Edit Appointment Reminder

Sending Rules:

  • Set up multiple reminders, including same day appointment reminders.
  • Choose when Steer sends out your appointment reminders. 
  • Select custom templates per appointment type.

Sending Rules - 1600+-2

Managing Templates:

  • Select from existing Text and Email Templates for each appointment type. 
  • Edit and Create New Text and Email Templates for each appointment type. 
  • Delete any templates you are not using, you cannot delete templates that are currently in use. 


How to Customize Your Missed Appointment Notifications

Shops have the ability to set multiple Missed Appointment Notifications and customize templates by editing the Sending Rules or Managing Templates in the Appointment Notifications section.

Please Note: You will need to mark the appointment as Missed in Steer for the missed appointment notification to send. Stay tuned as we are working on our integrations to directly pull this information from your shop management system!

Appointments > Notifications > Missed Appointment

You are able to edit the Sending Rules and Manage Templates for both Text and Email allowing for fully custom outreach to your customers.

To edit the Missed Appointment Notification click either Sending Rules or Manage Templates beside the notification type, text or email, you would like to edit.

Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 1.34.35 PM

Sending Rules:

  • Set up multiple reminders, including same day missed appointment notificaitons.
  • Choose which time of day Steer sends out your missed appointment notifications.
  • Select custom templates per appointment type.

Managing Templates:

  • Select from existing Text and Email Templates for each appointment type. 
  • Edit and Create New Text and Email Templates for each appointment type. 
  • Delete any templates you are not using, you cannot delete templates that are currently in use.