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  2. Steer - Appointments
  3. How to setup your Steer scheduler

How to add Google Analytics or Google Adwords tracking to Steer's scheduler

Configuring events via Google Tag Manager allows you to track users creating an appointment via the Steer scheduler on your website. This can also be used to analyze the conversion funnel or to track appointments created viaGoogle Ads.


  • You use the Steer Scheduler widget on your website. See this article for how to configure the scheduler and add to your website. 
  • You use Google Tag Manager to track your website and have admin access. This is usually done by a web developer. 


When important actions are taken, like a user submitting an appointment request, the Steer scheduler widget generates events that are can be read by your website (the parent page). In order to see these events in your Google analytics reporting, your web developer can subscribe to these events and send them to your Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Technical details to configure reading the Steer Scheduler events: 

  1. On the page where the Steer widget is located, add a script that subscribes to the events. 
    >>> Click here to see an example script. 

    Based on what you want to track, you can choose which events you want to subscribe to or you can subscribe to all of them:
    • maw-widget-loaded
      The scheduler widget has loaded on the parent website and is viewable by the website user. 
    • maw-location-selected

      The user has selected a location. This event will only occur if you have multiple locations on your Steer widget. 

    • maw-service-information-fulfilled

      The user has selected a service. 

    • maw-appointment-time-selected

      The user has selected a time. 

    • maw-contact-information-provided

      The user has provided their contact and vehicle information. 

    • maw-appointment-scheduled 
      The user has confirmed an appointment or appointment request. 
    • maw-appointment-error
      The user has encountered an error when trying to submit an an appointment or appointment request. 
  2. Next, configure Google Tag Manager to read the events.
    • Login to your Google Tag Manager account
    • Add a custom event trigger for each of the Steer scheduler events. You can name the event whatever makes most sense to you. 
    • See this Google article for more information on how to configure custom event triggers.  

    • Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 2.42.38 PM (1)
  3. Lastly, each trigger must be connected to a tag.
    • See this Google article for how to connect triggers to tags. 
    • If setting up for Google Analytics select the Tag Type = Google Analytics: GA4 Event 
    • If setting up to track a Google Ads select the Tag Type = Google Ads Conversion Tracking. See this Google article for more information on setting up tags for Google Ads conversion. 

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