Direct messages, text, or email to consumer or business. When customers call this number, it routes them to your Shop.
You will see a number notification when there are new unread messages here.
Conversation categories:
- Text vs Email
- All texts are grouped into one conversation
- Emails are grouped by subject line
- Received: Only includes conversations where the last message is from the customer
- Sent: Only includes conversations where the last message is from the shop
- Scheduled: Includes conversations with a pending scheduled outgoing message
- Archive: You now have the ability to archive conversations.
Search: If you search for a customer in the lower search box it is only searching in that category. E.g. if you search for “customer name” under “Received” but the last message was from the shop not the customer “customer name” then nothing will show. The user must go to “Sent” and then search "customer name". It can be easier to use to top master search box to find the customer and then click from the Customer Profile to the conversation.
New Message: Use red button to create a new conversation (email or text)
Click into a message to see the full conversation
- If user has multiple numbers, you can toggle between numbers
Canned Messaging: From the body of a conversation thread, select 3 dots to create, save or edit a canned message. Once canned message is created, it will appear above the body of conversations.
Schedule: ability to schedule a future text or email message to send.